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Personnel Committee Minutes 04/17/08
Meeting Minutes of Thursday, April 17, 2008 @ 8:00 a.m.
placePlaceNameChilmark PlaceTypeTown Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:   Susan Heilbron, PersonNameMax McCreery, and Steve Lewenberg.
        ALSO PRESENT:    PersonNamePolly McDowell, Staff liaison; J.B.Riggs Parker,
                                         PersonNameTim Carroll, and PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant
                    ABSENT:     PersonNameJennie Greene, PersonNameRichard Williams          

PersonNameMax McCreery, acting chairperson, opened the meeting at 8:02 a.m.

The Board reviewed the meeting minutes of April 3, 2008.  Steve made the motion, Susan seconded and all members voted to approve the minutes as amended.

The Personnel Board reviewed the draft memo to the Tri-Town Ambulance Committee.  It was the sense of the Board that the memo should convey to the Committee the following:
1) the Board approved the temporary staffing plan, 2)  the Board requested that any future plans be presented to the Personnel Board prior to their implementation, 3) the Board recognized that Tri-Town Ambulance is working on a 5-year plan and requested that a knowledgeable member of the Personnel Board be appointed to assist them with Human Resources issues.  

PersonNameTim Carroll informed the Board that the Board of Selectmen met to discuss disciplinary action regarding two employees.  One employee completed a five-day suspension without pay and the other employee has been put on probation for ninety-days. Tim assured the Board that the disciplinary procedure outlined in the Bylaws was followed and proper paperwork was filed.  Tim requested the Board consider including language in the revised Personnel Bylaw that would include the development of an action plan for employees on probation/suspension.
The Board agreed to postpone review of the Revised Personnel Bylaws Draft 3 until the next meeting.

The Personnel Board's next meeting is Thursday, May 1, 2008 at 8:00 a.m.

With no further business to discuss, Max, acting Chair, adjourned the meeting at 9:25 a.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant.